Little Chained Dog That Had To Eat Off The Ground, Is Given A Bed And Blanket

This sweet beautiful soul has never had a good day in her life. Her horrible elderly owner chained her neck and left her like that for 7 years. She was never able to run and play or snuggle up on the sofa with someone who loves her. The lovely dog, known as Luna, lived in squalor. Her hair grew tangled and matted with dirt balls as it became longer, trapping and frightening her.


Image/Story Source Credit: DAR Animal Rescue via YouTube Video



For seven years, Luna endured the most miserable existence imaginable as she ate her meals from the ground. Finally, a neighbor got involved and called DAR Animal Rescue. We hope it wasn’t too late…


When the DAR workers arrived, they couldn’t get Luna out of there fast enough. She was terrified. She’d never been “free” before. She also had no idea where she was heading! But one of the rescuers hugged her close and attempted to soothe her as best he could.



Image/Story Source Credit: DAR Animal Rescue via YouTube Video



For the first time, she felt a blanket. She was not required to sleep on the hard, filthy ground or in the barrel that her owner had left for her. She could lay down inside and feel comforted by something soft and she was completely amazed. Her expression shows how delighted she is! “So this is what it feels like to have your hopes come true!” she probably said to herself.



Image/Story Source Credit: DAR Animal Rescue via YouTube Video



The next stage for tiny Luna was to remove the mats from her head! She was such a champ. She got a new little hoodie and looked fantastic in it. She couldn’t stop wagging her adorable tail as she ran around, expressing her gratitude toward her new pet parents.



Image/Story Source Credit: DAR Animal Rescue via YouTube Video



Luna left the shelter shortly after arriving. She was quickly adopted by her ideal family, which we are tremendously grateful for. Every day now seems like a dream come true, and she even has a canine sibling!



Image/Story Source Credit: DAR Animal Rescue via YouTube Video



Her new family told the rescue organization that Luna is always happy now. She’s grateful for her life and understands that she spent 7-years in a terrible situation. Now she marches ahead, one paw in front of the other, towards her greatest possible existence.


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