Mama Dog Chases After The Truck That Took Her Puppies

Karlee, a dog rescuer, was notified by some friends that there was a litter of puppies living in harsh conditions under a wood pile at a construction site that was scheduled to be demolished. Even though locals had tried rescuing them before, the pups were too terrified to come out. So Karlee decided to help and placed food and water near them as bait.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via Facebook Watch Video


After finally spotting the puppies, they were able to catch every single one. However, they knew they had to come back over the next few days in hopes of finding their mother. When they did find her, she was even more skittish than her pups. But one community member who feeds her had an idea; He said if he took the puppies, the mama would follow.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via Facebook Watch Video


So the man loaded up the pups in his truck and started the 10-minute drive to Karlee’s house. And what do you know, mama, followed the entire way! They’d have to make frequent stops over the several-mile trip to give her water breaks, but it worked out in the end.

Finally at home, it’d take about a week for the mother to get comfortable enough to actually go in the house. But when she did, she was happy to relax with her young ones. This just goes to show the will of a mother to go the distance to do whatever is necessary for her offspring. ????

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