Ranger Carries His 100-Lb Dog On His Shoulder For Miles To Save His Life

We know that dogs love going for walks especially in summer. One dehydrated, struggling dog needed a help for that walk in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreational Area’s mountains. However, one was ready to help that dog.

Lexie Daniel and a group of hikers saw a dog who appeared to be severely dehydrated and overheated with his man. The dog was given all the water supplies of the hikers, who were still worried about the dog as his shape was so bad.

Actually, the story was not water, they needed a miracle. That’s when a local ranger intervened to save the situation.

Kris Salapek, the local ranger, directly hoisted the 100-pound dog and started his journey to reach down the mountain as there was a cold stream there, which would surely help the dog to be cooled down.

The ranger walked more than 2 miles to place the dog in the water, he also knelt down next to him and poured some water on him. Thankfully, the pup was cooled down after being inside the water, and he was able to continue what is left of the journey.

Salapek then picked the dog again and took him down to the street. He was able to reach the street in over one hour, it was a hard task, but all the ranger wanted was to save the dog.

The story was shared on Facebook and got more than 35,000 likes, and 50,000 shares. What a great hero! If he was not there at the perfect time, he would not have survived!

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