Man Finds Collapsed Dog In A Heavy Rain After Her Owner Of 15 Years Passes Away

This story speaks about a pet dog called Masha, who became abandoned since her owner died. Imagine spending 15 years with the same owner, but forced to stay alone! Thankfully, Irina S., a rescuer, heard about the dog who was found during the heavy rain. So, she went to the scene and took her to be cared for. The dog was so tired and sad. She had her small meal, and wanted to leave! But she was not able as she was very tired!

So, Irina took her to the veterinary clinic to be checked. They found that she had liver and bladder stones and there was a disc compressed into her spine. They treated her, but she was not able to walk until having surgery. Thankfully, she was completely healed and adopted by a kind family! Watch the video below.

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