Marine Is Reunited With Puppy He Saved While In Afghanistan

We absolutely LOVE reunion stories and especially those with service men and women. When they see each other again, it absolutely warms our hearts! Well, we have some good news – this is another one of those incredible stories and we highly recommend watching it until the very end. ????


Image/Story Source Credit: PAWsitive Channel via YouTube Video



This video will undoubtedly warm your heart as you learn about how Sgt. Jacob Fisher of the United States Marine Corps and one puppy saved each other.

He leaves his family to safeguard our liberties while on active duty. While serving in Afghanistan, he came upon a tiny puppy being kept in an animal cage. He was immediately taken with him. He named him Jax and decided that he would bring Jax home after seeing him for only a week.


Image/Story Source Credit: PAWsitive Channel via YouTube Video



While in Afghanistan Jax and Sgt. Jacob Fisher saved each other. In the video Sgt. Fisher states:

“Jax came along and lifted everybody’s spirits. It was amazing how something so small could just cheer you up when you’re having a bad day, within seconds of seeing him.”


Sgt. Fisher was waiting with bated breath for Jax to come home from his seven-month deployment in Afghanistan after Sgt. Fisher’s return from his 7-month tour of duty in Afghanistan.


Image/Story Source Credit: PAWsitive Channel via YouTube Video



Watch the video below as they’re reunited following their time together in Afghanistan. We’re ecstatic that SPCA International is able to provide this for our soldiers (heroes).


Watch the video below and please ‘SHARE’ with a friend or family member!

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