Wild Deer Swarm From All Over To Eat When Woman Calls Out For Them

If you watch the video below, you’ll see a woman who has such a special connection with deer that they come running to her when she calls out to them. It’s an amazing thing to witness how some people can form bonds with animals that seem almost like something out of a fairytale.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video


It’s as though they just materialize in front of her. These deer know they can count on her, and some even eat right out of her window! It’s like she has a deer whisperer.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video


The owner of the video had this to say about the encounter:

“My wife Cheyenne feeds the deer every winter. Some deer have been coming back for years. She has names for some of them. They trust her completely and come when she calls. If a strange person is around, they are not as friendly. We have two Bucks that will come up and eat out of the window like a drive-thru.”


Watch the INCREDIBLE video below!

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