Men Stare Down While She Tried To Climb Up Steep Pit With Her Baby

There is no greater relationship than a mother’s connection with her child. The species makes little difference; mothers, both human and nonhuman, do all they can to keep their young safe. However, accidents do occur. When this mother dog and her infant tumbled into a tarp-covered water pit, she cried as loudly as possible for assistance to arrive.

She attempted to climb back up, but it was pointless. She required the assistance of humans.

Image/Story Source Credit: Jeffrey Estillore via YouTube Video


As soon as they heard the pup’s cries, a recovery crew rushed to the scene. The mama puppy continues to wail and attempt to communicate with the humans who will hopefully assist her. She wags her tail joyously every time someone enters because she knows help has arrived at last. She now has hope!


Image/Story Source Credit: Jeffrey Estillore via YouTube Video


The rescuer gets geared up and lowered by a rope to the bottom of the pit. Because she is more likely to get hypothermia, his first task is to get her out. She recognizes that he has come to assist her, and she welcomes him. Then the man lifts the puppy into his arms. The man at the top endeavors to pull them both up with all of his might. The tiny puppy is now safe.


Image/Story Source Credit: Jeffrey Estillore via YouTube Video

Now it’s time to get Mom. Down he goes, back into the pit. Mom is wagging her tail still, saying: I’m so glad you’re back. Please come and take me too!And then, before long, Mom is also brought up and placed on steady ground. She immediately goes to her baby to check on her. She then thanks her rescuer with a kiss.

Image/Story Source Credit: Jeffrey Estillore via YouTube Video

Be sure to watch the video below until the very end, it’s such an incredible story!

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