“Socially Awkward” Dog Stands Still In The Pool While Other Dogs Swim And Play

Dogs are sociable animals that can’t miss an opportunity to mingle and have fun with other dogs. But for Beya, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, expanding a large and vibrant social network might be at the bottom of her priority list!

Beya is willing to go to great lengths to keep her distance from her playful furry mates, and this makes her one socially awkward legend!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: CBS Mornings via YouTube Video


Beya’s dorky social skills first came to the notice of her caretakers at Happy Tails Resort, a doggie daycare facility in Virginia. While the other daycare wards happily frolicked about in the pool, Beya just stood frozen in the middle of the pool!

She barely moved a muscle as the other energetic pups splashed and played enthusiastically with their tennis balls!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: CBS Mornings via YouTube Video


Over the years, Beya’s absolute indifference to communal swimming sessions has only grown stronger. Although she is a polite and gentle sweetheart, she passionately refuses her daycare pool buddies who throw balls at her and beg her to join in.

It’s not that she cannot swim. But for some strange reason, the stubborn cutie always prefers to stay still in the pool and stare blankly into the horizon while others have pure, chaotic fun!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: CBS Mornings via YouTube Video


Beya is happy being herself without a care in the world! It’s no surprise that she has earned the title of the deadpan “non-swimming dog”.

Her hilarious aversion to social gatherings undoubtedly makes her the perfect flag-bearer for introverts everywhere!

Click the video below to watch Beya being the ultimate spirit animal for every introvert out there!

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