Mom Tells Frenchie The Dog Park Is Closed And Pup Throws A Hilarious ‘Tantrum’ In Protest

Walter Geoffrey is a French Bulldog who lives with his mom Amber in Austin, Texas. At first glance, he may look sweet as pie, but don’t let that fool you; this pup can be quite sassy! He’s got the bark to back it up too.

When they were in the car, his mother apologized and informed him that the dog park was closed. But Walter wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He wanted to go to the dog park right away, regardless of what his mother said.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Walter Geoffrey the Frenchie via YouTube Video


Walter started throwing a fit, moaning and howling at his mom. His meltdown goes from high-pitched howls and eventually changes to a deep, angry tone. Amber tells him to stop interrupting her, but Walter continues to protest.

She tries to explain that the reason they can’t go to the park is that they’re spraying for bugs. As she’s telling him that, he quiets down and his ears perk up to the word “park.” He finally quit his temper tantrum and listened to what his mom had to say.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Walter Geoffrey the Frenchie via YouTube Video


Amber posted this adorable meltdown on Facebook, which went viral with more than 22 million views. But this isn’t Walter’s first video to go viral. Amber posts all sorts of videos of Walter on their Facebook and Instagram pages.

This also isn’t the first time that Walter has thrown a temper tantrum. He may be a small dog, but he definitely has a big attitude, and he isn’t afraid to let that show! Amber describes Walter as the “hottest mess,” living in “Meltdown city at the corner of Unstable and Emotionally Over-Dramatic.”

Watch more of Walter’s hilarious meltdowns on Instagram and on Facebook.

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