German Shepherd Sings Along With His Owner’s ‘Singing Habit’ In The Bathroom

We’ve all been there before. You’re in the shower, feeling great after a long day, and you start belting out your favorite tune. Suddenly, you feel like Pavarotti himself. Even though we might sound amazing to ourselves, our pets often have a different opinion – as is the case with Maximus, an adorable German Shepherd who loves to chill in the bathroom while his owner showers.

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble Viral Channel via YouTube Video


The dog’s disgruntled expression while his owner croons away proves how truly loyal he is! Maximus’ outspoken and funnily reactant owner decided to document the experience by setting up a camera. He then began singing “Trolololo” by Eduard Khil, which may possibly be one of the top 10 greatest shower songs ever (in case you haven’t heard it yet). ????


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Rumble Viral Channel via YouTube Video


Not only were German Shepherds created to herd other animals, but they also have great taste in music. When they’re not subjected to terrible singing and given regular exercise, these dogs can make lovely pets. They are also known for being intelligent and having great instincts, so if one of them begs you to stop singing, it might be a good idea to listen!

Maximus is immediately begging for the torture to stop (or is he correcting his singing? ). We can’t really blame him; the ears are one of a dog’s most sensitive regions. We’d want it to stop as well.

Click the video below to watch this HILARIOUS video and Maximus’s funny reaction!

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