‘My dog ate my toe – but it ended up saving my life’

David Lindsay, 64, was startled by his wife’s scream as he lay asleep on a sofa


A retired builder has told how he woke up in horror to find that his pet puppy had chewed his big toe ‘to the bone.’

David Lindsay, 64, was startled by his wife’s scream as he lay asleep on a sofa at their home only to find his right big toe was a bloody stump.

The bone in his toe had been fractured by his seven month old bulldog puppy Harley as he slept and his toe nail left hanging off.

However the horror incident turned out to be a potential life-saver as medics later discovered he had lost the feeling in his feet due to two blocked arteries in his legs.

David, a father to five daughters and grandfather to 11 children, has no plans on getting rid of the naughty pup after it inadvertently saved his life.


David, from Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, who suffers from diabetes, said: “I was asleep on the couch when my wife walked in and shouted, ‘Dave, the puppy’s chewing your toe!’

“My puppy had near enough chewed my big toe off! It chewed down to the bone and cracked it.

“But because of all this, I discovered that my foot is completely numb, I can’t feel anything.”

His wife wrapped up his toe and rushed him to Addenbrooke’s Hospital where he’s been for nine days.

Dave has been put on intravenous antibiotics to stop the infection, caused by the dog bite, from spreading to his bone.

But only because of the severe mauling his toe endured, Dave discovered he couldn’t feel his foot.

During CT scans for the fractured toe, the doctors discovered not one, but two blocked arteries.

The blockages could put his whole leg in danger of needing amputation if the blood supply wasn’t returned.

Thanks to the mixed-colour pup, Dave is now being assessed for stents which would open up the arteries and allow the blood flow to return to his leg.

He said he has no plans to get rid of the life-saving bulldog, having lost his two large Neapolitan Mastiff dogs last year.

Dave, who hadn’t owned a bulldog before now, said: “You’ve got to laugh about it. He’s done me a favour by chewing my toe.

“So I’m waiting to find out if they can put stents in. I’ll be keeping the dog.


“I’ll try to keep my toe too, but if not I told the doctor to cut it off and I can take it home for him!”

David hopes to go home to his wife and cheeky bulldog by the end of the week.



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