‘Stray Dog’ Jumped Into A Truck And Didn’t Get Out Until He Was Adopted

Always on the lookout for a home, strolling canines will take advantage of any opening they find. After endless days alone, these dogs seize the moment to prove their resolute desire to join a family; they don’t want solitude anymore!

This kind-hearted pit bull, upon seeing the empty truck and assuming it was somebody’s ride, wasted no time entering in search of a home. He felt safe inside the truck and made himself at ease until he found his forever family.

Source (Screenshot) credit: The Dodo via YouTube


Emily and Garrett were astonished when they returned from their yoga course to find the furry one in their car, reclining contentedly. They couldn’t comprehend how he had managed to get inside, yet there was no feasible way of getting him out since he refused to move—despite being incredibly loving.


“This pit bull just jumped into the car. Hey, what are you doing there,” Emily said as she recorded the scene with her phone.

Source (Screenshot) credit: The Dodo via YouTube


For two hours, this couple worked tirelessly to liberate the creature from its cramped abode with no success. All attempts of coaxing him out – including a spread of snacks outside and gentle calls for dinner – were unanswered. The compassionate pair made sure he had plenty of water while they pondered their next step.

At first, the plan was to take their leave and find out where this pup came from so he could be reunited with his family. However, as the dog refused to budge there was no other option than for them all to go together – gaining confidence in each other along the way. Despite diligent search efforts by all involved, unfortunately nobody claimed ownership of him.

Source (Screenshot) credit: The Dodo via YouTube


Life had other plans for the family, gifting them with a furry companion – Buddy. From that moment on, he filled their home and hearts to complete their family.

Source (Screenshot) credit: The Dodo via YouTube


Visiting the woods was Buddy’s favorite pastime, yet on one of his treks he unfortunately got lost. His family experienced overwhelming anguish as they searched desperately for days until finally a shelter contacted them to say they had found him.

Source (Screenshot) credit: The Dodo via YouTube


From that moment on, their bond with Buddy has grown beyond measure and they now share an incredibly strong connection. To make sure he never gets lost again, Buddy even got a chip installed. Simply put: if something were to ever happen to him, nothing will be the same anymore.

Click the video below to watch this HEARTWARMING story that will tug on your heart strings!

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