Neighbors Heard Noises On A Trampoline So They Quickly Recorded It On Camera

One day, as somebody was sitting peacefully in their yard, they suddenly saw something flying above the fence that separates their property from the neighbor’s. To their amazement, it appeared to be a dog! This is not just a figment of somebody’s imagination- this actually happened in one neighborhood.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Jeff Davis via YouTube Video


The huge dog was wondering what the people next door were doing. Instead of continuing to wonder, the Great Dane jumped onto the trampoline and took off! His neighbors didn’t seem to mind one bit even though this big guy has a lot of energy.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Jeff Davis via YouTube Video


In reality, they grabbed their video camera and started filming. Some dogs are just big clowns, while others are excessively nosy. As soon as the dog realized that the trampoline gave him the opportunity to look next door, he was all in!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Jeff Davis via YouTube Video


Four paws to the mat and up, up, and away. We double dog dare you not to laugh at this adorable canine in motion.

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