News Crew Overheard Cries From Beneath Collapsing House, Tiny Nose Pops Out

While an ABC News crew was covering a devastating Tornado that touched down in a Texas town, two members of the security detail heard cries coming from under a house. They called for help but knew the animal in distress could not wait for assistance to arrive. The news team had no other choice but to spring into action.




A sound technician, Jim Gower, grabbed a nearby shovel and started digging. Once he got deep enough, a pup’s nose appeared. Moments later, the hole was large enough for him to stick his head out, but he was unable to free himself. The team continued to coax him, but it was of no use; they had to dig further.


The clever dog backed up so they could make a larger hole. But he was still hesitant. Gower broke up pieces of a Slim Jim, hoping that would do the trick. But the timid dog remained under the house. Suddenly the dog is free and walking around while a bit confused. What do you think about this rescue? Tell us in the comment section below.


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