Dogs Give Goodbye Kisses To Their Sick Brother Before Being Sent To Be Euthanized

Rawtashk, a Reddit user, shared a post on Reddit about Sef, his eleven-year-old dog saying final goodbyes to his family. The post contains a photo of Rawtashk’s 3 dogs kissing each other as Sef would be taken to be euthanized for being very ill.

It is known that euthanasia does not take place at home, but the veterinarian volunteers to do it for Sef to let his family give him a proper farewell. The expected day, Rawtashk’s other 2 Belgian Malinois dogs, Jaina and Rhonin, knew that something was about to happen, so, they spent the whole morning nuzzled Sef and went over to him.

The family kept Sef’s ashes on the mental to remember him all the time. Jaina and Rhonin are still mourning Sef as they still sit near the places that Sef would sit to snif his scent. How sad!

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