Owner Brings Malnourished Dog to the Gates of an Animal Sanctuary .SX

On the evening of Halloween, the staff at the Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary located in Merseyside were assisting new puppies to settle in for the night when they observed a car pull up outside.

They were devastated to witness a person step out of the vehicle and gently place an emaciated dog over the rescue’s gates. The poor dog was in a severely neglected state, with his bones visibly protruding through his fur.


Thankfully, the dog – who was named Casper – appeared to be unharmed following his ordeal of being thrown over the gates. However, by morning, the staff could clearly see the numerous scars of his unimaginable mistreatment.

The sweet Casper was extremely emaciated in his appearance. As described on the shelter’s Facebook page, the poor dog was “emaciated and battle-wounded,” with “pressure sores and overgrown nails.”

Fortunately for Casper, he was abandoned in a place that has shown him immense kindness, with the staff promising to “spoil him rotten.” A picture capturing Casper’s “first decent meal in a long time” is heart-wrenching.


So far, the shelter has raised £526 to contribute towards Casper’s recovery journey. The sight of his emaciated body has left many animal lovers outraged and in tears.

The staff at the Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary have already observed significant progress on Casper’s part. He reportedly had a “settled” first night at the shelter after his traumatic experience.

Casper has also received a gift from a donor named Jan, which includes a “lovely bed and a big teddy to cuddle up to.” This has helped him feel more comfortable and at home.

After Halloween on November 1st, Save Our Scouse Cats tweeted an update from Rescue Me Animal Shelter, stating, “Safe, comfy and on two hourly feeds, the vet is coming out to Casper tomorrow to avoid even more stress for him. Dear Casper, you’ve seen the worst of humanity, now you are seeing the best.”


The shelter then posted a confirmation stating, “Casper has visited the veterinarian today & had blood drawn. He is receiving regular small meals & a large comforter to snuggle up on.”

As it stands, it’s still uncertain what lies ahead for Casper. We remain optimistic that this gentle boy will soon regain his health and find a forever home where he’ll be treated with the compassion and respect he deserves.

Rewritten Source: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/dog-thrown-gates/

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