From Dismissed to Employed: The Remarkable Journey of a Overly-Friendly Police Dog Finding His Perfect Vocation./1

Introducing Gavel, the adorable German shepherd who lost his job as a police dog due to his overly-friendly nature. Despite being trained to search for explosives and apprehend criminals in Brisbane, Eastern Australia, Gavel was more interested in seeking out cuddles and belly rubs from his handlers.

Nonetheless, due to his attractive appearance, he didn’t have to wait in long lines like the jobless ones since he secured an even superior position. His task only entails him being his typical, amicable, and charismatic self as he was designated as the official Vice-Regal service dog.

Governor Paul de Jersey had a chance encounter with a police officer named Gavel, who was only a 10-week-old puppy at the time. Gavel was originally meant to live at the governor’s official residence for his training. However, when Gavel’s friendly demeanor caused his training to be canceled, Governor de Jersey took action and decided to adopt the adorable pup as his own.

By the way, Gavel was given the opportunity to put his paw on the dotted line of a contract that outlines his responsibilities as a greeter and participant in formal events. He even gets to wear adorable attire for these occasions. Congrats, Gavel! You’ve made it far.

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