People Cry After Seeing The Recording Of A Camera Placed On Stray Dog’s Neck

All the people who see the images of a homeless puppy cry when they see the reality behind these little animals. Many get upset when a stray approaches to ask for food or even a caress, others simply ignore it, but few know what is behind each one of them .

Thanks to a camera that was put on a street dog, many have become aware and left speechless when they saw the final product. You want to know more? Keep reading!

Have you ever thought how homeless animals live? Hunger and cold are two safe aspects , but there is much more beyond. Their conditions are adverse, they fight against the vehicles that pass through the streets, with inhuman treatment, blows and total indifference.

Their lives depend on the solidarity of the people who come across them. When hunger strikes, they consume any food from the garbage and are faced with serious diseases without the option of timely treatment or veterinary attention. Many die intoxicated .

When there are climate changes such as the unbearable winter or summer, they do not have shelter or cool areas to rest. This problem grows every day and there are more dogs and cats that end up abandoned on the streets.

In fact, during the pandemic , many companion animals ended up on the streets, aggravating this scenario.

In order to raise awareness about the serious problem of abandonment, the animal welfare organization, World For All Animal Care & Adoptions , located in India, decided to do an experiment.

Shelter volunteers attached a hidden video camera to the collar of a stray dog ​​in Mumbai. The captured postcards leave those who see them speechless and with tears in their eyes.

It should be clarified that at no time was any dog ​​injured or endangered. On the contrary, the aim was to show the life of those who end up abandoned in the most realistic way possible .

In this way, you want to make a family think more than once before leaving. The result was recorded in a video that has more than 7 million views and more than 15 thousand likes.

People cry because the results are devastating. The risks faced by the animals and the unfair treatment of which they are victims are appreciated in the foreground. Many furry ones come out feeding in garbage dumps and drinking water from puddles. They sleep in the streets and endure a lot of cold .

Many risk their lives on the main roads they reach, fleeing from the ill-treatment and screams of people who do not want to see them. Some drivers dodge them, but others don’t slow down in their presence.

Each image reflects the daily struggle to stay alive in the midst of a harsh society! Few are those who extend their hand to alleviate this situation a little.

No more people crying, more positive actions
Although these images cause outrage and tears, we must go further and take action. The first thing that should be done is to sterilize pets to reduce overpopulation , not to abandon them so everything becomes difficult and not to treat those who are already on the streets badly.

Those who cannot adopt a homeless furry can always call a shelter to ask for help for them or provide them with a plate of food. Today, the shelters cannot cope with so many cases to attend to , while the numbers of abandonment increase more and more.


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