Police Officer Becomes A Foster Dad For The Cat Who Jumped Into His Patrol Car

A stray cat was found in Ohio by an officer from Oxford Police called Rick Butler. When the officer got so close to the cat to check on him, the cat jumped climbed into the car!

After what the cat did, the officer became so happy! At first, the officer thought it was just an accident, but the cat had another thought as he just staged a sit-in.

The division informed that the cat, who is so kind and affectionate, just refused to get out of the vehicle. And he just got what he wanted.

Seeing how insistent the cat was, the officer let him stay. Butler also decided to foster the cat as there is no place for cats in the police station facilities.

The cat will stay with Butler until his owner comes to take him if there is one, or gets adopted. Contact the Oxford, Ohio Division of Police, if you want to adopt the cat, or you know any information about him.

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