Homeless Abused Dog Who Was Cruelly Laughed At Online Transformed By Love

Someone posted this photo of a stray dog to make fun of her. The dog was abused and abandoned on the streets of Houston, Texas. She had chemical burns and had been struck by BB pellets. A man took her photo and posted the image to social media with the caption, “LOL…only in the 3rd ward, I see a burned up dog.”

Thankfully, the photo also was shared with local dog rescue volunteers who raced to the neighborhood to rescue the tiny dog. They named her Pumpkin because it was Halloween and they found a puppy with her. Pumpkin got the vet care she needed and was rescued by Freddie’s Hope, Rescue Ranch. And under foster care Pumpkin would go on to make the most amazing transformation! From there, her life has been nothing but bright!



What started as one person’s cruel indifference to a homeless dog’s suffering ended with the dog’s amazing rescue.

Pumpkin had chemical burns all over her body and had been shot by a bb gun when a man took a photo of her and posted it to Instagram with the caption, “LOL…only in the 3rd ward, I see a burned up dog.” He thought her suffering was funny.



But others did not.

The shocking photo spread on social media and came to the attention of local rescuers. They rescued her and took her for medical attention. Vets struggled to keep her alive, and miraculously, she pulled through.

But she wasn’t the only one they rescued that day – they also rescued her puppy!



From there, Pumpkin began a journey that would transform her life.



Watch Pumpkin’s full rescue story in the video below and share this touching rescue story with your friends!


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