Puppy Decided To Attempt And Reclaim His Bed From The Cat

Pixel’s cozy green dog bed is one of his most cherished possessions for a 10-week-old French Bulldog puppy. Imagine the devastation on Pixel’s face when he discovers his authoritative older cat sibling taking over his precious bed right under his nose! The little puppy’s futile struggle to regain what is rightfully his follows.

Image (Screenshot)/Story and Video Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video

Pixel attempts to ask the cat to vacate his bed in a courteous manner for a time. But the cat pays him no attention at all! She’s a crafty one. That’s when an angry Pixel decides to take back his rightful bed from the clutches of his scheming sibling.

Image (Screenshot)/Story and Video Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video


Pixel, on the other hand, finds himself outmatched by his sister’s stocky weight and fizzling strength. He tries to reclaim his bed with all of his puppy energy, but it’s no use. His slight build and dissipating power are no match for his hefty cat sibling’s stocky weight and heft. At first, he is unable to shift the cat’s bed very far at all, although eventually, he is able to move it a few inches!


Image (Screenshot)/Story and Video Credit: Rumble Video via YouTube Video



The cat looks unimpressed as she’s being “dragged” around the room by Pixel, who is visibly struggling. Her nonchalant demeanor makes it clear that she’s secretly enjoying her brother’s frustration. Click the video below to watch poor Pixel getting taunted by his cat sibling! ????

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