A stray dog, with a wagging tail and hopeful eyes, approached a group of strangers, longing for a loving home and a second chance at life.nam

We all know the superheroes that we always watch in Avengers like Superman, Spider-Man, and Thor. But this man is a real superhero as he was in the best place at the exact time to save a dog.

The story began when a Shih Tzu called Mel was playing on the ninth-floor balcony in Brazil when she fell onto the railing! If she hit the ground, it would be sure death, but actually, this passerby was there just in time.

The man, Joao Augusto, heard some cries and barking above him, so he took a look up and saw that the dog was about to fall down, so he yelled to Paulo Narciso, the caretaker of the building to bring a sheet or towel to catch Mel, but actually, the time wasn’t enough to do that.

Thankfully, Augusto was a real hero as he positioned himself when he saw that Mel slept and fall from 100ft and he was able to catch her before reaching the ground. What a hero! Watch the video above.

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