Rescuing a Neglected Dog: Battling Countless Giant Ticks in a Journey from Infestation to Salvation

This is Valentino! He was lying very sadly on the street with a terrible condition. He was abandoned in a corner of Maracaibo to die there, covered with ticks. Millions of giant ticks covered and attacked him.


His outlook is bleak; he’s quite sick, his mucous membranes are extremely pale, and the amount of ticks on him is astonishing.Valentino will stay at the clinic for a long time, until his values stabilize and he can live a more peaceful existence; when he walks, he becomes weary quickly, disoriented, and exhausted.

“Seeing him in clear recovery brings us a lot of joy, but we still feel so much anguish, rage, and powerlessness seeing how they abandoned him to die alone in that corner.” Alicia Jiméne said z

Valentino overcame adversity one week later.

“He sat alone close to my husband @juls aleman, seeking for his caresses, and gradually relaxed and laid down underneath him.” Alicia Jiméne said.

Nothing justifies such harm and torture; we want JUSTICE and the full force of the law! For the person who put him in this condition and abandoned him with the goal of murdering him.



 Preventing and Treating Giant Ticks on Dogs

Giant ticks pose a significant health threat to dogs, and understanding how to both prevent and treat these parasites is crucial for ensuring the well-being of our canine companions. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to avoid tick infestations and address the necessary steps for treating dogs already affected by giant ticks.


Preventing and Removing TICKS in DOGS 🕷️ 4 NATURAL REMEDIES - YouTube


Tick Prevention for Dogs | Ticks on Dogs | Vets4Pets


  1. Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect your dog’s fur, especially after outdoor activities, to detect and remove ticks early. Prompt removal reduces the risk of tick-borne diseases.
  2. Tick Preventatives: Utilize tick prevention products such as topical solutions, tick collars, or oral medications recommended by veterinarians. These products create a protective barrier, making it less likely for ticks to attach.
  3. Maintain a Clean Environment: Keep your dog’s living environment clean. Regularly vacuum and wash bedding to minimize the chances of ticks thriving in the home.
  4. Limit Outdoor Exposure: Be cautious in areas known for tick infestations, such as tall grass or wooded regions. Limit your dog’s exposure to these high-risk areas.

Tick Removal:

  1. Use Fine-Tipped Tweezers: When removing ticks, use fine-tipped tweezers. Grasp the tick close to the skin’s surface and pull upward with steady, even pressure. Ensure you remove the entire tick, including the head.
  2. Tick Removal Tools: Consider using specialized tick removal tools available in pet stores. These tools help remove ticks more efficiently, minimizing the risk of leaving any part behind.
  3. Consult a Veterinarian: If you are unsure about proper tick removal, or if your dog is heavily infested, consult your veterinarian for guidance and assistance.


Ticks on Dogs: 7 Easy Steps for Spotting & Treating Ticks | Purina



  1. Visit the Veterinarian: Seek immediate veterinary attention if your dog is infested with giant ticks. The veterinarian can assess the extent of the infestation and recommend appropriate treatment.
  2. Tick Control Medications: Your veterinarian may prescribe medications to kill existing ticks and prevent future infestations. Follow the prescribed dosage and instructions carefully.
  3. Monitoring and Follow-Up: Monitor your dog’s health closely after treatment. If any signs of illness, lethargy, or discomfort persist, consult your veterinarian for further evaluation.

Conclusion: Preventing and treating giant ticks on dogs requires a proactive approach, including regular inspections, tick preventatives, and prompt removal. By staying vigilant and seeking veterinary care when needed, we can safeguard our furry friends from the potential harm posed by these parasites.


5 Myths About Ticks on Dogs · The Wildest

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