See 1 Lioness Fight 10 Wild Dogs in Crazy Video

Key Points:

  • In a pride, lionesses are the main hunters, being smaller and swifter than their male counterparts. However, they must use teamwork to take down prey, as their targets are typically faster.
  • African wild dogs and hyenas frequently engage in pack combat, which instills fear in many animals, including lions. A pack of these dogs can easily take down a lion.
  • Watch the video below where a single lioness appears to successfully stand her ground against a pack of wild dogs bent on taking her down.


Lion Prides are Masters of Teamwork

Male and Female Lion
Lionesses are notably faster than their male counterparts, making them ideal hunters.©Lara Zanarini/

The second-largest cat on the planet, the lion lives in the expansive forests, scrub, and grasslands of sub-Saharan Africa. Lions are incredibly gregarious animals, unlike other cats. They reside in prides, which are collections of about 30 lions. A pride includes 12 related females, up to three males, and their offspring.


The group’s main hunters are female lions. Compared to men, they are swifter and smaller. However, because their target is typically faster than they are, they must work together to take prey down. The weaker, slower lionesses push the prey toward the middle as they spread out and create a semicircle. The more powerful females then take the animal down and slaughter it.

Cubs have a 60-70% mortality rate because they are prey to predators like wild dogs. A video showcases a single lioness taking on an entire group of wild dogs. We’re unsure if she’s protecting her cubs or if the large cat is simply trying to survive and ambush.

While lions are apex predators, African wild dogs and hyenas can give them quite a fright. The fact that these types of animals frequently engage in pack combat is what instills such dread in so many animals, including lions. They far outnumber the lions in a collective attack and can rip the lions to bits.


Female Lions Are Quite Independent

Close up shot of an African wild dog
African wild dogs tend to give off a high-pitched laughing sound when they are in danger like hyenas©William Steel/

As the wild dogs cackle in the video, the lioness isn’t taking any of their funny business. They are notable for their high-pitched “laughing” vocalization, which consists of a series of brief giggle-like sounds, much like hyenas. Instead of being connected to these canines having fun, these noises are typically made when they are in danger or being attacked.

A viewer has this to say about that annoying sound these critters make: “The taunting and unrelenting chirps they do when they attack has got to drive rivals nearly insane.” When frustrated, a hyena may also make a sound similar to laughter.

Another comment on the video points out: “Wild dogs stand no chance against any lion but it seems this lioness is old or injured.”

This lion knows she’s outnumbered and has to continuously fight back. If the lion were to let her guard down for even a second, it could be the last thing she does. If you watch closely, you’ll notice that the wild dogs keep trying to attack her from behind. It’s actually not uncommon for hyenas to bite off a lion’s tail during an encounter such as this one. Thankfully, that doesn’t happen here.


Although wild dogs are normally the prey, if they have at least six members hunting a single lioness or small male, they’re able to switch to the hunter role. While we’re not sure what happens to this big cat, it looks as if she stands her ground.

Is It Normal Behavior For Lions to Fight Wild Dogs?

Young male lion in natural ray of light
It is common for lions and wild dogs to cross paths.©Bobby Vogt/


Lions encounter challenges from groups of wild dogs often. Lions and wild dogs both hunt and survive similar territory which may result in their paths crossing.

Wild dogs are social and tend to hunt in packs, making them a formidable opponent for a solitary lion. Lions frequently cross paths with wild dog packs, and at times, confrontations or fights may occur.

Lions and wild dogs both target similar prey, such as impala, leading lions to perceive dogs as competition for their food. As a result, lions attempt to eliminate any dogs they manage to capture.


What the Incredible Video!


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