Sea Lion Swims Towards Snorkeling Teen And Gives Him Affectionate Hug

Chuck Becker and his 15-year-old, Ethan Becker, were taking a dive in the coast of Mexico when they came across with a sea lion. The adorable animal approached them to give them some affection.

When Chuck saw that, he started recording the moment using an underwater camera. The sea lion was so friendly and just wanted to play. You can see in the video below the sea lion hugging and cuddling Ethan. It then went to meet Chuck, but it did not take long. It just decided to leave the boy and his dad.

You can also notice that Chuck and Ethan were somehow cautious as it was the first time to be in such situation. They had no idea what the sea lion would do, so, being cautious was a great option. Anyway, the video was very adorable, and we are lucky to see it. Watch the video below.

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