Dog Who Got Stranded On Highway, Gives His Rescuer The Biggest Hug

Leslie and Evie Benson were going home in their car after shopping some stuff for school as it was so close to be back when they saw vehicles swerving around a brown creature. So, they went to take a closer look and saw a poor dog very scared to move as it was freezing.

Evie said that there was an eighteen-wheeler truck coming very fast towards the dog, which caused them to close their eyes to prevent seeing a dog getting hit by it. Fortunately, the dog was able to move out of its way just in time.

Seeing that, the dog needed an immediate help, Evie and her son directly jumped out of their vehicle and picked the dog up to take it back to the car. Despite being very skinny and dirty, the dog continued to wag his tail unstoppably. The dog was very friendly towards Evie as he directly slept in her hands.

She directly became emotional and started crying. She just knew that she had to help him. So, Bensons took the dog to the Goochland County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center to receive the care he needed. She came back the next day to check on him, but she was unsure if he’d remember her, but he directly hopped into her arms once he saw her.

Then, the dog was named Wags as he never stopped wagging his tail. However, she was not able to adopt him as she will go to college in the autumn. But she was sure that he’ll find a forever home very soon. We hope that Wags finds a forever family very soon.

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