Security Cam Caught The Moment When Dog Brings A Water Hose Into The House

A lot of people are concerned about what their dogs do when they’re not at home. Some people put cameras in their homes and find out that the dogs only rest and sleep, waiting for their owners to return.

Upon coming home to find her house covered in water, one woman had a sneaking suspicion that her dog Winston might be behind it. She reviewed her security footage to discover the culprit.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Roxy Dinkel Channel via YouTube Video


In the video, which was uploaded to Youtube, you can see Winston drag in a water hose from the outside. This would have been harmless except that the hose was switched on, flooding everything it touched.

Winston walked from room to room with the hose, while water spilled out all over the floor, turning his home into a waterpark. 3-minutes later, the mischievous Boxer drags the hose back outside, as if he didn’t want to leave any evidence behind.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Roxy Dinkel Channel via YouTube Video


It’s certainly no fun coming home to find that your house has been flooded. However, it’s difficult to stay mad at this cute pup. I have a feeling that Winston’s owner can laugh about the incident now, but she probably wasn’t amused when it first happened!

Watch the UNBELIEVABLE video below and Winston’s actions in the house that day! 

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