Giant dog just wants to be this guy’s baby





Such a perfect day yesterday celebrating Rich???? I highly recommend buying $1.99 party hats and taking family photos on self timer???? I won’t name names, but not everyone was in the party mood???? I love this little family of ours so much!! Also- thank you to everyone who wished Rich a happy birthday on our last post❤️


And they called it Puppy Love❣️ We couldn’t let Valentine’s Day pass without a play date for these soul mates! GAINZ and Harley might just be my favorite love story????


Sundays are for snuggles and belly scratches???? (Mondays-saturdays are also for that too)


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Always lurking???? too bad that ridiculous tongue is a dead giveaway????



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A post shared by GAINZ (@gainz_thegoodboy)

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