Terminally ill woman’s tearful goodbye to beloved horse and dogs from hospice bed.TP

A patient at a hospice has been given the chance to spend time with her beloved dogs and horse after weeks spent apart.

Jan Holman, 68, was transferred from hospital to the Good Shepherd Hospice where staff found a way to reunite her family.

Her husband of 46 years, Dennis, knew Jan was desperately missing their King Charles Spaniels Monty and Rowley, and her beautiful horse Bob, and while he hoped he could get the dogs to see her, he doubted a reunion with Bob would be possible.

However the staff at the Cheshire hospice made it happen. And last week Monty and Rowley were by Jan’s bed, having cuddles and kisses.

Monty and Rowley pictured with dad Dennis, are reunited with their mum in the hospice (Image: Good Shepherd Hospice)

Then to her delight, Bob was able to meet Jan at patio doors of the hospice with the help of the team from Thornleigh Park Farm Stables, where Bob has been in livery.

Bob put his head through the doors and nuzzled Jan’s neck and lap and gently too the treats of carrots, bananas and apples the staff had prepared.

A beautiful reunion between Bob and Jan (Image: Good Shepherd Hospice)

Jan said: “I just can’t believe what the staff here at the hospice have done for me. Until a few weeks ago I was still riding Bob every day and he is such an important part of my life, and I have missed him so much.

“I knew that arranging for my dogs to visit was possible as we had a neighbour who was a patient at the hospice a few years ago and we were allowed to bring the dogs to visit her, but I just didn’t expect that they would ever be able to give me the chance to see Bob one more time.”

Bob enjoying Jan’s special picnic (Image: Good Shepherd Hospice)

The Hospice of the Good shepherd, posting the news on its Facebook page, wrote: “The ethos of hospice care is not just about caring for the clinical needs of our patients but also looking after their emotional and spiritual needs as well. It’s about making a difference to our patients and their families in whatever way we can.”

Friends from Thornleigh Park Farm Stables, where Bob has been in livery, brought him to see his mum Jan (Image: Goods Shepherd Hospice)

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