The Dog Wanted By His Owners To Be Put Down Because He Barked Gets Rescued

When we welcome dogs into our family, we commit to giving them all the love and understanding they need. We are aware that dogs, just like humans, need some time to adjust to big lifestyle changes.

It makes me sad to realize that some new dog owners easily abandon their dogs without giving them the necessary time to get used to their new environment. They don’t care that they hurt their pooches’ feelings.

Markus was completely let down by his owners. Not only did they hurt his feelings by giving him up, but they also wanted to put him down. This is the story of his survival.


His Owners’ Betrayal


rescued dog sitting on the tile
Source: Lucie’s Animal Rescue

In July 2023, Markus’ owners contacted Lucie Holmes, the founder of Lucie’s Animal Rescue, saying that they wanted to surrender their two-year-old Patterdale mix Labrador because he barked at people and dogs.

Holmes was extremely surprised to hear their reason because barking is a dogs’ method of communication.

Markus spent five weeks with his owners. Coming to a new home was a big change for him and he needed time to adjust to his new environment.

This was the time when he craved his family’s support the most and needed them to cheer him on.

Unfortunately, his parents had already made the decision to give him up. They were not willing to put any effort in helping him, and he wasn’t even given any training. 

Since the rescue center was full at the moment, Holmes told Markus’ owners that she was unable to take him in. She promised to call them when there was enough room.


Saving Markus 


dog named markus with other dogs
Source: Lucie’s Animal Rescue

That same day, Holmes received a call from a vet, which shocked her.

Markus’ family went to see the vet and asked him to put their dog to sleep. 

Fortunately, he refused their request. He suggested that Markus should have some sessions with their behaviorist, but the owners immediately declined.

Fearing for Markus’ life, Holmes called his owners and told them that she would take him in.

She took Markus to the rescue center. At first, he was a bit nervous, but within an hour, he relaxed. He was introduced to six other dogs and he loved them all. His tail was constantly wagging.

Holmes said that Markus playfully barked when other dogs came near him. That was his way of showing them how thrilled he was to meet them and how eager he was to make new friends.


Markus and his owner in the yard
Source: Lucie’s Animal Rescue

Holmes saved Markus’ life. She and her family gave him the love and understanding he needed, and he felt accepted for who he was.

“You are safe, Markus, and loved. You will never be treated so badly again, and that I can promise.”

The rescue center already received many adoption applications.

We have no doubt that Markus will soon find his forever family who will make him feel safe, loved, and understood.

In the meantime, he will enjoy the love Holmes and her family shower him with.



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Dog ‘Panics’, Goes Into Hiding For 8-Months After Family Moved & Left Her Behind

Despite the baby animal’s fear and reluctance to be rescued, the determined rescuers persisted in their efforts. They managed to gently wrap a snare around its neck, but the animal remained paralyzed with fear and was challenging to bring to safety.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video


After finding her hiding spot, she was put in a crate and transported by auto shop employees to CARES for medical evaluation and a bath due to being covered in motor oil. Blue Bayou is now the pup’s name, and Andrew Rosenthal and LA Dogworks have been assisting with her training and socialization.


Source/Image Screenshot Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video


Blue Bayou is no longer scared and is a very happy and playful pup. She eventually found a forever home! Special thanks to the WONDERFUL people at Hope For Paws!


Click the video below to watch this AMAZING story that’ll have you CHEERING in the end!

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Other Story :

A sweet baby can only fall asleep when her dogs are by her side.


Bedtime routines can be challenging, and parents often try various methods to help their little ones fall asleep. In this case, bringing all the animals into Amelia’s room seemed to do the trick. However, it took dedication and perseverance to reach a successful outcome.



Amelia’s initial attempts to sleep in her crib didn’t go as planned, as she climbed out of it. Her resourcefulness surprised her mom, who wondered where she learned such a skill. Despite the challenges, Amelia’s determination remained strong.


Amelia’s furry companion, the Husky sibling, added an unexpected twist by attempting to join her in the crib, although the height proved to be an obstacle. However, after a few more attempts, Amelia agreed to sleep if her mom and the two dog siblings also participated.



To her surprise, this simple change made all the difference. Amelia felt secure and surrounded by her beloved animals, which helped her relax and eventually fall asleep. Her mother was relieved to see her toddler peacefully snoozing in her crib.

From that night on, the ritual of bringing the animals into the room became a nightly routine for Amelia’s bedtime. It became a comforting and familiar sight for her, signaling that it was time to wind down and prepare for sleep.



While unconventional, this arrangement provided comfort and a sense of security for Amelia, enabling her to fall asleep peacefully. Each family discovers their unique strategies that work for them, and if having her two dog siblings in the room brings Amelia a sense of contentment, then it can be considered a successful bedtime routine.

It’s important to note that every child is different, and what works for one may not work for another. The key is to find a routine that helps create a calm and soothing environment for sleep, ensuring that both children and parents can rest well.


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