The old man carried the dog in the bright sunlight to avoid burning his legs.w

A touching photo shared online shows an elderly man carrying his dog on his back in the scorching sun.

The good man offered to carry him, so that he would not burn his paws under the scorching sun.

This gentleman’s attitude became an excellent example.

He showed how small everyday attitudes can make all the difference in the life of another life, and inspire others to do the same.

The image was shared by Internet user Carlos Alberto Lizcano Santos, who lives in Veracruz, Mexico.

It shows an elderly man walking in bright sunlight with a dog on his back.

Carlos witnessed the scene and commented in the post that the man acted with empathy so that the animal did not burn its paws walking on the hot asphalt.

The publication accumulates 18,000 reactions and more than 110,000 shares.

According to the Mexican, the photograph was taken in Yucatan, Mexico, one of the hottest regions in the country.

With the great repercussion of the scene, it was later discovered that the elderly man lives in a community called “Amigos de Lucho”, in Valladolid.

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Volunteers brought food and other supplies for him and his little dog.
This is love and compassion, congratulations to this gentleman with a good heart. Be sure to share and improve someone’s day with this beautiful example.

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