The Power of Loyalty: Dog Walks Miles Each Day to Pay Tribute at His Best Friend’s Grave.SHD

The link developed between a dog and his favorite person extends beyond anything imagined, even death; a bond is formed that is practically unbreakable, as proved by this puppy who travels kilometers every day to visit his human father’s grave.

Fulmine, a sweet dog, spent the final seven years of his life with his best buddy Leonardo. Both were quite happy in the Italian countryside, loving nature and always seeking for new ways to be pleased with each other.

Sarah Sechi, Leonardo’s daughter, claims that they were inseparable, that they had become soul mates, that they adored each other, and that they were virtually always seen cuddling.

Unfortunately, Fulmine and Leonardo’s lovely time together had to come to an end, yet their love seemed to still exist. Leonardo died away last month after a lengthy battle with a terrible disease.

His family looked after his dog while he was in the hospital, but despite providing him with all he required, they observed how much he missed Leonardo.

According to Sarah, who spoke to The Dodo,

“Fulmine would rush to the door whenever a car arrived, checking to see whether it was my father.”

Fulmine looked for his closest buddy everywhere, even after he had been buried, and he never gave up hope of finding him.

He was so determined to find his loving father that, after several efforts, he was able to locate him. Sechi and his kid went to the cemetery the day after Leonardo’s funeral to lay fresh flowers on his grave.

When they arrived at the grave, they were taken aback by the scenario they discovered, as someone other than them had come to pay their respects to their father. Fulmine, the small dog who had gone hundreds of kilometers on his own in order to locate Leonardo’s tomb, was the one.

It’s unclear how he got there, but he must have realized that his father, whom he had never seen again, was at this location.

Sarah had this to say:

“I was surprised to discover it there.” I’m not sure how he got to the funeral; I’m not sure how he got there ».

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