The twenty-second week of pregnancy was to some extent a shock for Elena Yachmeneva. Her twins, who were soon to be born, turned out to be fused with each other.

The twenty-second week of pregnancy was to some extent a shock for Elena Yachmeneva. Her twins, who were soon to be born, turned out to be fused with each other.

The doctor noted that if you want to save the children, it is necessary to call an artificial birth. Elena, as she felt, and eight years ago decided not to give birth anymore. She even asked for an operation to ligate the fallopian tubes, as her health did not allow her to bear children. But fate decreed otherwise and after almost ten years, I found out that I was pregnant with twins. The news both scared and delighted and, after weighing all the pros and cons, decided to give birth.


The news that she had twins who had fused liver and intestines shocked her mother. After the cesarean section operation, the babies had to undergo a separation operation, which was planned after three months had passed and the girls would get stronger. After the operation, both girls survived, but one predicted the ability to stand on her feet, and the other girl was less lucky, she was recognized as hopeless.

The girls’ mental development was normal, but, compared to their peers, they lagged a little, although, like all children, they drew and watched cartoons, according to their age. One of the sisters never learned to sit down and hold her back on her own. The mother is forced not only to help her in everything, but also to constantly hold her in her arms, since the girl cries as soon as she turns out to be herself.


The other daughter, so far, moves with the help of a walker and generally behaves like an ordinary child of her age. She rejoices, loves her half-paralyzed sister very much and learns to help her mother around the house. The local authorities did not leave the family in a difficult moment of life and helped to expand the living space and even made repairs in the room. But, despite the help, the care of the daughters is very thorough and requires a lot of money. The barley farmers do not give up, they run a household, keep livestock, poultry and have recently mastered the apiary.

The last time journalists came to the Yachnev family was in the summer of 2018, when the mother and father complained about insufficient technical rehabilitation assistance. But it is surprising that after the story was released on television, Elena was suddenly called to the local prosecutor’s office, and after she refused, representatives of the guardianship authorities came home to them.


The inspectors were interested in the girls’ living conditions, care and health status. But after carefully going around the whole house and examining the life of the Yachnev family, they left with nothing, since the children were not only well-fed and well-groomed, but also lived in good conditions. But the story didn’t end there. Soon Elena received a summons from the Committee on juvenile Affairs. In their opinion, the twins are not given due attention and do not follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor. Representatives of the committee insisted that the girls do not receive the necessary treatment, often suffer from colds and there is not even a special transport wheelchair for their transportation.

As the mother explained, she refused to go to the hospital, referring to the fact that the girls do not tolerate the road well, but this answer did not convince the officials and the Yachnev family realized that they could have problems if they did not solve the situation. At the moment, Elena and her husband are looking for options to move to the city, where they will be able to provide their daughters with proper care and treatment in the city hospital. The fate of the Yachnevs is very difficult, as is the life of the girls.

And it is very difficult to take care of such sick children and it is a pity that the state does not help such families properly. We hope that everything will be fine with this friendly family and soon we will learn about the improvements in their lives.

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