This Puppy and Baby Are So In Sync That They Do Everything At The Same Time

This baby and her puppy are so in sync that they do everything at the same time!

Hazley is an adorable little girl who loves her puppy, Jasper. They’ve been bonded at the hip since the first day they met, according to their mom.

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When their mom found out she was pregnant, she decided the time was right to add a puppy to the family. So, they got Jasper. When the baby was born, the puppy and the baby became instant best friends that now do everything at the same time.

When Hazley swings, Jasper sits in the seat next to her and swings. When the little girl plays with her toys, of course, Jasper is right beside her playing with the toys, too. When she takes a nap, Jasper snuggles right up next to her and has a snooze as well.

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When Hazley wakes up and wants attention, Jasper needs attention. When Hazley goes for a walk in her stroller, Jasper is right there with her and loves to ride in the stroller, too. They even love to watch cartoons together.

Raising them together is cute to watch but also a lot of work because they love to get into mischief together, like the time they both got into the fall décor and messed up their mom’s decorations.

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The baby and her puppy are truly inseparable. They share everything! Walks, bath time, snacks-you name it, they do it together. There is never a moment when they’re far apart from each other.

Their mom says that Hazley is a happy baby and so is Jasper. They both are playful and spunky and share many personality attributes. They get along like two peas in a pod and adore each other.

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Their mom loves that they are such good friends and thinks that Jasper helps make her a better mom. He certainly adds a lot of joy to their family, especially to Hazley. It’s hard to imagine how life would be had they never got the adorable dog in the first place.

The special friendship between Jasper and Hazley was just meant to be. Hazley is such a lucky little girl. She may be too little to realize it now, but one day she’ll be so grateful for her loyal best friend Jasper always by her side.

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We hope you enjoyed their sweet story, as always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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