Two Dogs Rescued From the Streets Now Live Their Best Life on the Road—Seeing the Sights of Europe

The amazing lives of two rescued street dogs who travel with their owner on trips around Europe have been captured in a series of stunning photographs.


Finn and Yuri were plucked from the streets of Romania by photographer Anne Geier where they faced being abused or put down in a shelter.

Now Anne and her two doggy companions enjoy traveling to some of Europe’s most spectacular beauty spots in her VW T4 camper van.

In her latest adventure with her two loyal canine companions, Anne spent two weeks touring the mountains and fjords of Norway and documenting their trip with her camera.


The result is a stunning series of beautifully crafted portraits.

In the photos, you can see the two dogs in a landscape of crystal clear lakes, snow-bound mountain peaks, and foggy forests.


Anne, who lives in Tauplitz in Austria, said of van life with her best friends: “It’s perfect, we can go wherever we want and whenever we want… [and] I think moving from hotel to hotel every few days would be too stressful.


She said that, as a group, they have been to South Tirol, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany—and of course all around Austria as well as Norway.


Finn, a fox-terrier and Labrador cross, was adopted by Anne in 2014 and was joined by Yuri—an Australian cattle dog/border collie cross—in 2017.


Together, they make the perfect companions for each other, don’t you think?

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