Unwavering Compassion: Homeless Man’s Selfless Dedication to Caring for Over 20 Dogs Against All Odds. WW

A Heart of Gold: Homeless Man Cares for Over 20 Dogs in Ho Chi Minh City, Refusing to Let Them Be Taken Away

Amidst the challenging circumstances of homelessness, Mr. Vo Van Thanh, a 54-year-old man from Binh Duong, demonstrates an unwavering kindness and determination. Despite his own impoverished state and lack of shelter, he has taken it upon himself to care for a pack of more than 20 dogs in Ho Chi Minh City, steadfastly refusing to let others separate them.

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Mr. Thanh’s daily routine involves scavenging the streets of the city, collecting ticks and bottles in order to make a living. At the intersection of Hong Bang Street and Nguyen Thi Nho in District 5, a three-wheeler adorned with a sign that reads “Do not sell dogs. Dogs are friends. Not food” catches the attention of passersby, prompting curiosity about the man and his canine companions.

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The reasons behind Mr. Thanh’s situation are deeply personal. Following family difficulties that resulted in his wife leaving and his two sons falling into addiction and imprisonment, he found himself without a home. In 1996, he ventured to Saigon alone, taking up work as a janitor. It was during this time that he witnessed the heart-wrenching scenes of nearby pubs slaughtering dogs for meat, which deeply saddened him. Determined to make a difference, he saved up 600,000 VND to rescue a pair of dogs from the slaughterhouse. However, when he attempted to keep them at his workplace, the owner did not allow it. Faced with this dilemma, Mr. Thanh made a life-altering decision. He quit his job, purchased a push bike, and began collecting ticks and bottles while bringing his two dogs along. Over the course of nearly 30 years of living on the streets, he has adopted numerous other dogs, bringing the total number to 23. To him, these dogs are like his own children, and he loves them dearly.

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Recognizing his unique circumstances and his profound affection for the dogs, many people have reached out to visit and offer assistance. “The income from collecting bottle ticks is meager. I am old, and I suffer from degenerative spine disease, which limits my ability to work. But I am fortunate to have many dog lovers who come to help by providing financial support and food for the dogs. This three-wheeler was also donated by a generous sponsor,” shared Mr. Thanh gratefully.

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Each night, Mr. Thanh sleeps in the attic of the doghouse attached to his vehicle. He ensures the barn door is securely locked to protect the dogs from potential theft. In the morning, the car’s battery is fully charged at an auto repair shop, which costs 30,000 VND per charge and provides power for approximately three nights.

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“After years of wandering, my dogs and I finally have a place we can call home. Though it is still rudimentary, the rent is affordable. I hope to transform the land into a dog farm soon, so I no longer have to carry them around and can use the vehicle as a means of transportation. This way, I can earn extra income to take care of ‘my children’,” expressed Mr. Thanh with hopeful anticipation.

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