Unwavering Loyalty: Service Dog Sacrifices Himself, Jumping in Front of School Bus to Protect His Blind Owner..D

When the blind owner’s guide dog spotted an approaching mini school bus moving directly toward him, the dog showed incredible bravery and commitment.

When Audrey Stone and her service dog, Figo, crossed the street, the school bus driver missed them. Nevertheless, Figo noticed the driver and reacted by lunging for the nearest part of the bus to protect Stone.

Brewster Chief of Police John Del Gardo, quoted by USA Today, expressed nothing but appreciation for Figo, saying: “The dog took a lot of the blow. Furthermore, he didn’t want to leave her side. He was standing next to her. To save her, he was there.”

Stone, who suffered three broken ribs, a shattered right elbow, and an ankle fracture, required the assistance of fifteen EMTs.

Stone yelled for Figo repeatedly because he kept wanting to stay at her side.

The right leg of Figo had a severe laceration, which EMTs wrapped. Even though Figo was clearly in pain, he did not bark or howl during the turmoil.

Figo was transported to the veterinarian in the Brewster Fire Department truck since he was unable to ride in the ambulance with Stone.

Following surgery, Figo and Stone are both doing well and resting in a hospital.

What a courageous and selfless dog! Talk about Figo’s bravery with your loved ones!

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