With tears streaming down his face, NFL quarterback Tim Tebow emotionally bids his beloved best friend a heartfelt farewell. zz

Dogs are not just pets, they are part of our family; so when it’s time to say goodbye, it’s an awful heartbreak that lingers within us forever.

Sadly, former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow had to recently say his final goodbye to his beloved dog, Bronco, before he was put to sleep Wednesday night.


In a video that Tebow posted on his Instagram page, Tebow was sitting on the floor in the vet with the Rhodesian Ridgeback in his lap. He smiled as he fed Bronco a block of cheese and then broke down in tears.

“One of the toughest goodbyes,” he wrote. “Wanted to make a special tribute to the sweetest boy ever – thank you for all the joy you brought and all the memories.”


Tebow has been by his side since he got him as a gift when Bronco was just a puppy, after Tebow was drafted by the Denver Broncos back in 2010

“If you had the pleasure of meeting Bronco, one of the best dogs ever, I would love to hear your story,” Tebow wrote.

Our hearts go out to Tebow in this difficult time; Bronco will truly be missed!


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