Witness a grumpy dog’s displeasure as he becomes frustrated with his dad’s choice to leave him in the car, resulting in the dog honking impatiently. zz

One Boxer was royally vexed when his dad left him all alone in the car while grocery shopping.

The poor dog waited several minutes for Dad to return to the car, but there was no sign of the man in the parking lot.

Finally, the Boxer decided to take matters into his own paws!

Source: ViralHog/Youtube

In this video from a parking lot in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, we see the Boxer sitting behind the steering wheel of his owner’s car.

He uses his paws to violently push the horn, and keeps honking incessantly to demand his owner’s attention.

The impatient dog looks incredibly annoyed at his dad’s laid-back shopping skills, and immediately wants to summon him to the car!

We love how the dog looks absolutely unapologetic for his actions and simply wants to be back with his human! Soon, the “irritating” honking sounds attract a lot of attention toward the parking lot.

One man even approaches the unimpressed Boxer and tries to get him to remove the paws off the horn, and the dog complies eventually!

Source: ViralHog/Youtube

Boxers, with their huge eyes and sloppy faces, always look like they have a default grumpy mood going. But in reality, Boxers are just happy-go-lucky dogs who love spending time with their owners.

The Boxer in this video is definitely a bossy boy who wants his owner nearby at all times!

Click the video below to watch the impatient Boxer hilariously blasting the car horn to get Dad’s attention!

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