Woman Rescues Gigantic Huntsman Spider From Humans And Sets It Free

For some reason it made headlines: recently a woman rescued a huge huntsman spider and set it free. It’s not certain what people find so newsworthy about it, but the woman apparently had some empathy. It’s a good thing this is newsworthy, too many negative things make headlines.

Right – this isn’t one to look at if you don’t like spiders. You have been warned.

Seriously, it bears repeating. If you’re an arachnophobe, please – for the love of God – go no further, because you have never seen a spider quite like this one.

A woman who runs a sanctuary for animals in Australia has made one of her most interesting rescues yet – an absolute gigantic huntsman spider.

Of course, it was in Australia, where else on earth are you going to find something as utterly horrifying as this bloody huge spider just chilling about.


Facebook/Barnyard Betty’s Rescue

Now, even though the spider is the stuff of nightmares, this is actually a good news story – believe it or not – because whether we think it is cool or would like to kill it immediately with fire, it has as much right to live as we do.

She isn’t harmful to humans and is probably actually alright once you get past how fucking terrifying she is.

We should try our best to love and cherish all of the animals on the earth, even if they are horrible ugly spiders the size of a bin lid. Barnyard Betty, who runs Barnyard Betty’s Rescue, is a prime example of being about to practise what you preach.

She is usually in the business of saving the lives of cuter animals, but not being cute doesn’t mean that they are not worth saving.

She even gave the spider a name – Charlotte – and shared their story on Facebook.


Woman Rescues Gigantic Huntsman Spider From Humans And Sets It Free


Betty said: “Beautiful Charlotte the spider, one of my best rescues yet.

“To answer some of your questions: she is a Huntsman Spider and we are located in Queensland Australia and yes she is very real and very large and not photo shopped!!

“I released her here on the farm after rescuing her, so I can’t get any more photos or video her I’m sorry. She was going to be killed by humans.

“She was a beautiful, calm spider, not aggressive in any way and like most spiders she just wanted to go about her business eating bugs and living in peace. She didn’t or doesn’t need to be killed! Poor spiders are so misunderstood!

“All creatures great and small are welcome here at Barnyard Betty’s Rescue a safe haven no matter how you look!”

Well, when you put it like that, Betty…



To be honest, I’d be releasing her a lot further away from where I live, but there is no reason that she should be killed simply for existing.

If you want to help Betty out, you can find her PayPal on Facebook, or GoFundMe page here.

GoFundMe/Barnyard Betty’s Rescue

She also rescues cute animals – honest.

Featured Image Credit: Barnyard Betty’s Rescue

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