Woman who slept with over 300 people in one year reveals why she did it

A woman who slept with over 300 people in just one year has revealed why she did it.

The end of a year sees a lot of us looking back at some of the goals we achieved and others we narrowly missed out on.

Some of these goals may include losing weight or traveling more, but for content creator Annie Knight, her end of year roundup was a little different.

In her fun-filled 365 days, Annie bed more than 300 people – even shacking up with five over a 24 hour period.

OnlyFans is a path many have taken in recent years, as it seemingly provides a massive income to thousands.

On the site, Annie claims to make an impressive $1,000 a day and is apparently in the top 0.4 creators on the platform.

She credits her consistency on the platform for her success.

“I’m very consistent,” Annie said on The Kylie Jackie O Show radio show.

“I send a video out every day and I always post photos every day.”

Just the thought of having so much sex in 365 days would be exhausting to many folks, but the Aussie sees bedding so many people as ’empowering’.

Annie claims she makes as much as $1,000 a day on OnlyFans. Credit: Instagram/@anniekknight


“I felt empowered afterward,” she said of her rampant sex life.

“Sex makes me feel good. It’s meant to make you feel good.

“It’s just fun and exciting.

“It’s messy; the messier the sex the better.”

As to how she finds so many sexual partners, she says it’s a mixture of OnlyFans collaborations, dating apps, and about eight ‘regulars’ she sees every week.

Annie claims that some of the men she sleeps with want a little bit of a cuddle before the main bit, but she’s ‘not about that’.

The Aussie sees bedding so many people as 'empowering'. Credit: Instagram/@anniekknight
The Aussie sees bedding so many people as ’empowering’. Credit: Instagram/@anniekknight

Following all the media attention, Annie revealed that one of her regulars had decided ghost her. In fact, some of her partners have apparently been left feeling hurt following all the publicity Annie has received in the past year.

“One of my regulars has ghosted me since seeing all these news articles about me,” she said on Instagram.

“I guess he didn’t know that I had a rotation and that he was one of my regulars, so whoopsies.

“I guess he’s seen the articles and he freaked out and was like, ‘I don’t want to be with this girl’, which kind of sucks.”


Woman who slept with more than 300 people in one year explains how she did it

Woman who slept with more than 300 people in one year explains how she did it


If you need advice on how to get laid, then Annie Knight is your girl.

Annie, a 26-year-old content creator from Australia’s Gold Coast, recently chatted to The Kyle and Jackie O Show where she spoke of her sexual endeavors.

In just the space of 12 months, Annie said she’d slept with around 300 people and labelled her fun-filled year as ’empowering’.

“I felt empowered afterward,” she said of her rampant sex life.

“Sex makes me feel good. It’s meant to make you feel good.

“It’s just fun and exciting.

“It’s messy; the messier the sex the better.”

In light of her very successful year of sex, many may wonder how she managed to find all these people – and she’s actually able to do it from the comfort of her own home.

Annie Knight says she bed 300 people in a year. Credits: Instagram/anniekknight
Annie Knight says she bed 300 people in a year. Credits: Instagram/anniekknight

Like many people do in this day and age, Annie uses popular dating apps to find her sexual partners, and also utilises her OnlyFans page.

Apparently the 26-year-old is in the top 0.4 percent of creators on the platform and makes a whopping $1,000 a day.

She also has eight ‘regulars’ she meets up with on a weekly basis.


Annie sleeps with both men and woman and shared with UNILAD whom she prefers sleeping with.

“I think they both offer different things,” she told us.

“I think women know a way around a woman’s body a lot better for obvious reasons, but there’s something about sleeping with a man that’s intense and passionate.

“So basically, they both have their pros and cons, I don’t think I could pick one over the other.”

It’s evident Annie is very comfortable with her sexuality and what she does for a living, but her OnlyFans page once caused her some issues that saw her lose her job.

A few years after starting her account, Annie had started a new job and the firm got wind of her page.

Annie says she's in the top 0.4 percent of OnlyFans content creators. Credits: Instagram/anniekknight
Annie says she’s in the top 0.4 percent of OnlyFans content creators. Credits: Instagram/anniekknight

“I had just started a new job. I was on day five and I actually went home sick that day and I received an email saying termination of contract,” she recalled while on SBS Insight.

“I was shocked. I didn’t know what was going on.

“And I read the email and quickly saw screenshots of my OnlyFans on the email.”

The company is said to have accused Annie of not telling them about her ‘side business’, not asking its permission to have an OnlyFans profile, and that she had online pornographic images of herself.

Her sacking could be seen as a blessing in disguise however, as the OnlyFans star is now thought to rake in over $1 million a year.



An OnlyFans model who slept with 300 people in one year has revealed some of the strangest requests she has received on the platform.

Annie Knight, 26, made more than $100,000 on her OnlyFans page over the last month after revealing how many people she has slept with in the last year.

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