Dad Captured While Carrying His Baby And A Puppy In Shopping Center

Many people think that mothers are the main responsible of raising kids, but the truth is that it is a common responsibility between both mothers and fathers. One perfect father was famous on social media after being caught on a video taking care of his daughter.

But what made this video viral was not that the father was taking care of his daughter using a carrier, but was that he was also carrying puppy on the other side of the carrier.

However, many people believed that the animal in the video was just a toy. But the owner explained that it was a real puppy called Milo. He also added that they take him with them wherever they go as he is a family member.

Since it was shared, the video has tens thousands of comments, and has been liked more than 1.3 million times, and viewed more than 11 million times. It is expected that the video will continue to scroll over the Internet as it is very cute. What do you think?! Watch the video below.

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