15+ Photos That Show the Side of Celebrities We Don’t Usually Get to See / Now I’ve Seen Everything

Makeup is a part of the daily routine for many people. However, together with boosting our confidence, it makes us like our own bare features less. For example, a study showed that having less makeup on resulted in higher levels of anxiety in both formal and informal situations for college students. So even though playing with cosmetics is fun, we should embrace the way our faces look naturally more.

1. Gal Gadot

2. Demi Lovato

3. Alyssa Milano

4. Kate Hudson

5. Jennifer Garner

6. Adele

7. Gigi Hadid

8. Eva Longoria

9. Kate Beckinsale

10. Salma Hayek

11. Jessica Biel

12. Heidi Klum

13. Carrie Underwood

14. Michelle Pfeiffer

15. Jennifer Lopez

16. Lana Del Rey

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