15 Times Nature Demonstrated Its Love for Uniqueness / Now I’ve Seen Everything

Nature loves giving its creatures different unique characteristics. Many of us have them: maybe you have a rare eye color or unusual shape of ears. However, sometimes it might go in a completely unexpected way and give some people and animals features that we’ve never seen before. In our today’s compilation, we have plenty of such examples.

1. “Dog born with nose trying to become two noses.”

© OpheliaWolfsbane / Reddit

2. “My mom’s cat was born with no tail.”

© QuantamT*** / Reddit

3. “I’ve known people with vitiligo before, but I’ve never seen such a symmetrical pattern!”

© Ricecrackers77 / Imgur

4. This cat looks like a movie villain.

© Heavenspact / Reddit

5. “My hand”

© OstrichBakedGhoul / Reddit

6. “My friend’s pretty horse has heterochromia (2 different colored eyes).”

© wakiwi / Imgur

7. “My knuckles of my ring fingers are unnaturally large.”

© TheBloxdude / Reddit

8. “I’m 21, and I already have a streak of white hair.”

© reallifecatgirl / Reddit

9. “My kitten has hearts on her ears.”

© chrishacanuck / Imgur

10. “My girlfriend was born without a nail.”

© no***venture / Reddit

11. “I was born with extremely crooked thumbs.”

© Feck5 / Reddit

12. “My son was born with an ‘extra’ finger.”

© aldenb21 / Reddit

13. “My friend’s cat has extra toes.”

© morgthefrog / Reddit

14. “My daughter’s boyfriend and my Peruvian guinea pig share a similar hairdo.”

© absophoto / Reddit

15. “My teacher only has 3 fingers on his left hand and took advantage of it when he went to a museum.”

© Andreastheslimjim / Reddit

If you could choose any physical “superpower,” what would you choose to have and why?

Preview photo credit OpheliaWolfsbane / Reddit

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