Golden retriever pup escapes house and rings doorbell to get back in

When it comes to playful and mischievous dogs, we’d have to say that a Golden retriever will be one of the first breeds to give you a run for your money. They just can’t help it! They are goofy, energetic, fun-loving pups that will always jump at the chance for some spontaneous fun.

The only downfall is that if you’re the human to a young Golden retriever, you’re going to be kept on your toes for quite a while. Is that really such a bad thing, though?

As the whole world is finding out, it can actually be pretty dang funny. If you like surprises, then you would love owning a Golden retriever pup. You just never know what they’re gonna do next, as one young pup recently proved last year.

Source: Youtube screenshot

Marshall is a Golden retriever puppy that loves to run around freely.

One night, when he was just about 3-months-old, the mischievous little dog decided to give his parents a run for their money. He played the escape artist and broke free from their house in Spokane, Washington in the middle of the night. Unfortunately for Marshall, though, his parents had no idea he’d gotten out.

This easily could have been a tormenting night for his humans had they woken up while he was gone. As luck would have it, though, the adorable Golden retriever almost instantly returned. Apparently, life on the outside just isn’t as fun without your humans around.

What shocked everyone, though, was the pup’s more human method of trying to get back in the house; the doorbell method.

Source: Youtube screenshot

If you want to know how smart a Golden retriever really is, then the short video clip at the end of this article will show you.

Marshall is your standard, happy-go-lucky pup. He hasn’t been specially trained to use the doorbell at all, but he takes almost no time in figuring out how to operate it. This video is a true testament to how clever they really are.

Marshall’s owners don’t have just a standard doorbell, either. They have a video security system that gives them a sweeping view of everything on their porch. When the little pup decided he’d much rather be inside his warm cozy house, he went straight to the door.

You can see him looking around like “how does this thing operate?” Then, he suddenly uses his nose to hammer out an uncannily human-sounding knock.

Source: Youtube screenshot

He raps out a 3-beat knock on the door and then backs up to give his humans a full view of his very sorry face.

Apparently, his family was sound asleep in their beds, exactly where Marshall should have been. When no one answers the door to let him in, the pup disappears from view for a moment. Maybe he was looking for a sneakier way in?

Regardless, whatever the Golden retriever is looking for, he doesn’t find it. Within moments, he’s back at the door. The smart young pup uses his big ol’ black nose to repeatedly hit the button for the doorbell.

Source: Youtube screenshot

The whole ordeal lasted just over a minute. Eventually, the adorable retriever’s parents heard him shuffling around on the porch and let their silly furbaby back inside.

When Marshall’s humans saw the security footage of his very mannerly entry attempt, they couldn’t help but share the hysterical moment with the rest of the world. With such an adorable “I’m sorry” face, how could they not?

The couple uploaded the video to YouTube and, just as expected, their free-spirited little puppy went crazy viral, reaching well over a million views in almost no time at all.

To see the Golden retriever that has everyone in stitches, watch the video below.

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