A devoted grandfather builds a stroller to take his ailing old dog for a daily walk, showing care and love.w

Tonino Vitale lives in Italy, and he loves his labrador pup Dylan to the moon and back.

At 13-years-old, Dylan has led a long life. And unfortunately, the years have left their mark on his body.

When Vitale noticed that Dylan was becoming less energetic, he took his beloved pup to vet.

There, Dylan was diagnosed with arthritis.

Arthritis is a condition which affects the joints and is unfortunately quite common in older dogs.

Arthritis causes pain and discomfort in one or several joints and often leads to joint stiffness and difficulty moving.

For Vitale, Dylan’s diagnosis was a stark reminder that the sweet pup wouldn’t live forever.

Vitale decided to start taking Dylan out on a special walk each day to make his remaining time on earth has happy as possible.

Because of his arthritis, it was becoming too painful and exhausting for Dylan to go on a long walk by himself, but Vitale had a plan.

Vitale built a cart for Dylan to lie on, and then he wheeled Dylan and the cart around and let the pup enjoy the fresh air and exciting scenery.

And soon after Vitale started taking Dylan out for his daily “walk”, he noticed that the senior pup seemed to become more alert and happy.

The love and dedication Vitale shows his pup has not gone unnoticed, and one of his neighbours managed to capture a video of the sweet pair one day.

We all want to see more people like Vitale in the world!

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