A woman takes her dying puppy to a monkey farm, receiving loving care from the monkey family. zz

Snafu the puppy was found starving and emaciated on a roadside by two chimpanzee activists in Liberia, Africa.

Not knowing where to take the dying dog in the remote area, the activists brought Snafu to the chimp sanctuary and introduced him to the chimp family there.

Source: Donny Moss/YouTube

But Snafu’s health was completely depleted by then. He had infectious sores, missing fur, and most of his muscles had wasted away.

The sanctuary’s vet administered him some emergency treatment and hoped for the best. The chimps also stepped up to shower some tender loving care on him.

Soon, like a miracle, Snafu started recovering!

As Snafu’s sores started healing, he found it hard to beat the urge to scratch them. So the vet put him in a cone to protect him.

But seeing that the cone limited his movements, the kind chimps always scooped him up and carried him up and down the stairs.

For a whole year, the chimps nurtured and protected Snafu as he became an inseparable part of their family.

Source: Donny Moss/YouTube

Today, Snafu is a big and healthy boy. The activists have helped him find a forever home with a loving family in Colorado.

But no matter where he lives, Snafu’s heart will always fondly remember the sweet memories with the chimp family that raised him with so much love!

Click the video below to watch Snafu’s plight as a puppy, his recovery and his strong bond with the chimp family!

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