Baby and Pup spend time together

As Callie the puppy lay, abandoned and frightened to her core after being needlessly tethered to a fence, her heartbreaking sobs echoed throughout the desolate countryside.

Fortunately for this pup, it was heard by an individual of good conscience who righteously took it upon themselves to save Callie from such a dire situation and bring them into their home.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Cute Animals via YouTube Video


In the touching video below, we see Callie’s reaction to finally being in a home again. She is allowed to sit next to the man’s sleeping baby and told to rest. After days of being alone and abandoned, she is understandably tired and sleepy.

Callie is exhausted, but she’s afraid to lie down and fall asleep in case she gets dumped again. When she can’t keep her eyes open any longer, Callie finally decides to give in to sleep, but she does so in the most adorable way possible.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Cute Animals via YouTube Video


In a touching scene, we see Callie cuddling up to the toddler and resting on top of him for comfort! The presence of the infant assuages her worries and she finally falls asleep in a peaceful sleep. What a wonderful way to share the joy of your new puppy with friends and family! It appears as if the pup and baby have found themselves a lifetime companion. This video will make you SMILE with delight! ????

Click the video below to watch Callie as she tries to fight the dreaded sleep in her new home! ????

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