Baby Fell Asleep On Curb Watching Over Mom, Won’t Budge Even As Hunger Set In

Every day, animals living on the streets struggle to find food and survive. For one mama dog, her search for sustenance proved deadly; she was hit by a car while trying to cross a busy highway. Though she died instantly and didn’t suffer, her puppy had no idea what was happening.

He was scared and alone, and he clung to his mother, hoping she’d wake up. In tears, a motorist pulled over and informed the local rescue on the scene. She pleaded with them to hurry to her aid. When they arrived, they noted that the puppy was inconsolable. His mother had been everything in his life until she died, and he had no idea what to do with himself now that she was gone. He didn’t want to leave her side but the helpers had to intervene.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: AnimalSTEP Official via YouTube Video


Both dogs were taken by the rescuers and placed in their cars. The puppy was first given some formula, but he rejected it. He continued to sob and huddle in the cage’s corner. The puppy just wanted his mother to return, no matter how kind or attentive the rescuers were.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: AnimalSTEP Official via YouTube Video


The rescuers decided to give the mama dog a proper burial and say some kind words. They vowed to care for her baby in her honor. The puppy was brought to the vet clinic where he was weak from dehydration and inadequate food intake. The vet and his staff tried everything but he still refused to eat.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: AnimalSTEP Official via YouTube Video


The veterinarian and his staff had unfortunately seen this too many times before- when a puppy is closed off like this, the only way to save him is by giving him nutrients and fluids. If they hesitated at all, the puppy would die. So, they put in an IV drip and let the pup rest comfortably.

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: AnimalSTEP Official via YouTube Video


Click and watch the video below of this incredible rescue effort by the amazing team at AnimalSTEP! They’re definitely heroes in our book.

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