Mom Turned Back To Get ‘1 Last Look’ At Her Babies And Wished Them A “Happy Life”

People still pass by the stray dogs without noticing them, but some people are trying to help. One woman returned for more water not long after finding two of the most stunning pups, setting off a chain reaction she never thought possible.

Mama dog had grown up on the streets her entire life. Sure, she fought back, but she had no desire to alter her lot in life. She took excellent care of her pups and guided them to a shaded area where kind people would find them.


Image Story/Source Credit: Love Furry Friends-Rescue Channel


Mama knew the moment she turned back to get one last look at her dog, she was doing the right thing; Her sacrifice will never be forgotten. After seeing her dogs picked up by rescuers, Mama wandered away.


Image Story/Source Credit: Love Furry Friends-Rescue Channel


The puppies are happy to see these kind humans who happen to have food and water. They wag their tails and say hello. In preparation for taking them to the vet clinic, they need a flea bath!


Image Story/Source Credit: Love Furry Friends-Rescue Channel


The rescuers and vet staff are very happy with the puppies’ condition. Mom took excellent care of them both. Their weight is good, their coats are shiny. And they are really happy little boys! The rescuers and staff post lots of photos on their social media pages.


Image Story/Source Credit: Love Furry Friends-Rescue Channel


If you thought that was good, check out the video below of the rescue group going back to try and find mom so they can help her, too. A mother’s love is a powerful thing for sure.


Watch the video below and please ‘SHARE’ with a friend or family member!



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